Review: Beautiful Broken Promises (Broken, #3) by Kimberly Lauren

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4.5 beautifully broken but swoontastic stars

This is a very special book, and takes a really different direction from the earlier books in the Broken series, bringing us the story of Lane *clutches heart*.

Lane was introduced in the last book, Beautiful Broken Mess, and I loved him instantly. As the best friend / big brother figure to Audrey, he proved himself to be strong, loving and incredibly protective. He also had a bit of the mystery thing going on where he would disappear for a week at a time only to return quiet, broody and not himself. Well, this book starts with his POV, and gets right to the heart of the big secret, and it. is. POWERFUL!

I could never fathom a time in my life that I wouldn’t love you. The moment I first laid eyes on you, my soul knew you and smiled as if he had been waiting for you all this time.

The way it’s written is beautifully emotive, and had me flipping pages madly and I sat there reading with a pounding heart and tears in my eyes as it all unfolds. Amazing stuff!

There’s practically nothing that I can say that won’t be a spoiler, and I think it’s best if you just dive right into this without any preconceptions or ideas about the storyline, and just experience it as it all unfolds.

I will say that there is an absolutely incredible love story. Lane and his heroine have a twisted history, but the way they come together is beautiful. As I have come to expect from this author, there is a strong background for both of them, and a lot that they have to work through, but the way they do it is fantastic.

“You claiming me?” The words were practically a growl and I realized our lips were now inches apart.
“Are you saying you’re claimable?” she murmured.
“Depends on the girl…”
“I thought it was just sex.”
“Those were your words, babe. Not mine.”

I already knew that Lane is all kinds of awesome, but he stepped it up in this one with a fantastic mix of badassery and tenderness. I could understand his emotion in the situation, and my heart broke for him! I thought his reactions were all realistic and believable, but the way he goes that extra step to be there for his girl and help her through all that she is going through, even though he is also going through his own stuff, is gorgeous. And holy hell, the man is swoooooony!

“I love you. I love you so much that sometimes I feel as if it’s never enough. I’ll always want more of you. Every day I wish I had found you sooner so I could love you longer.”

And the heroine – O.M.G. She is INCREDIBLE! So strong, so together, and absolutely no nonsense. I love how she just puts herself out there. She doesn’t take any shit or sit and wallow in angst. If something is bothering her or worrying her, she just comes right out with it! She is open about what she’s feeling, telling Lane when she needs him, and her protectiveness of those she loves is phenomenal. I absolutely loved her!

“What I don’t want is to hear you make excuses for this attraction between us. What I do want is to feel you,” I stated firmly.

These two are perfect together. The relationship is fast moving, but the intensity of their circumstances plays a part in that. And the lack of stupid between them also means that things progress pretty quickly. The hotness (OMG, the hotness!!!), the swoon, the every day stuff – I loved all of it. And even though their situation was far from normal, it was all so easy between them!

“You and me, we work, babe. Simple as that.”

There are a whole lot of different relationship dynamics going on in this book, and Kimberly Lauren does an amazing job at portraying each of them. I could feel the emotion between the characters, I loved the way they were all there for each other, and I loved their interactions – they made me laugh, they made me cry, but each of them had me clutching my heart at the emotion of it all.

“That’s not Superman. That’s Daddy!”
*sniff* It was absolutely beautiful.

The characters from the other books in the series are all present in the story, and once again, we get some fantastic time with them. Lane and Audrey’s relationship is incredibly special, and seeing it from Lane’s perspective was gorgeous. There is more story progression for each of the couples, with Jax providing a moment of EPIC swoon. And of course the scenes with the group together as a whole were gold and provided some fantastically light-hearted moments.

“We’re out.” …
A round of groans passed from my new group of friends, and I smiled that they were actually disappointed we were retiring. I waved to the girls. “Don’t leave!” a few called out.
“My girl needs sex. I deliver,” Lane said unabashedly. He looked at the guys, quirking his eyebrow in question. “What would you do?”
All three of them, Jax, Jace, and Cole, proceeded to point toward the exit.

This book is advertised as a standalone, and while it is very possible to read this book without having read the first two books of the series, I would recommend reading them in order so that each character is introduced properly, and the dynamics are all well developed before you go into this one. You’ll be able to follow the story easily enough without having read them, I just think it adds more to the story, but of course that’s just my opinion.

I absolutely loved this one. It’s a beautiful story of family – both true family, and the family that you make for yourself – and it left me feeling all warm and fluffy, clutching my kindle to my chest with a big smile on my face.

4.5 stars.


The Broken Series

Beautiful Broken Rules - 80  Beautiful Broken Mess - 80  Beautiful Broken Promises - 80

Beautiful Broken Rules (#1) (Jaxon & Emerson)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook |  Paperback

Beautiful Broken Mess (#2) (Jace & Audrey)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Beautiful Broken Promises (#3) (Lane)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Series Bundle
Buy:  Kindle Ebook





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