Review: Easy With You (Boudreaux, #1.5 & With Me in Seattle, #8.5) by Kristen Proby

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3.5 stars!

This is a super short, sweet and sexy read. A crossover between Kristen Proby’s With Me in Seattle and Boudreaux series as Asher Smith (Matt’s partner and best friend from Tied With Me) and Lila Bailey (Kate’s best friend from Easy Love) get their HEA.

Asher and Lila meet in New Orleans while Asher is visiting family, they share insane chemistry and have one unforgettable night together before parting ways. Nine months later and Asher is now living in NOLA and is investigating a murder case when his investigation leads him to Lila – the target of a vicious serial killer.

All of that chemistry is still very much there, and both of them are all too willing to act on it, but they have some barriers standing in their way. Lila’s awful family life as a child has left her unprepared and terrified to enter into something long term with widower Asher and his daughter, but with the danger facing Lila ever-increasing, Asher isn’t about to let her out of his sight.

“We are going to catch this guy. . . I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you. I’m not going to lose you to this.”

This is a really quick and easy read, dropping us really nicely into these two worlds and bringing all of the Kristen Proby fun, sweetness, steam and angst-free romance. Lila is a relatable heroine and I really liked her, and Asher is a gorgeously protective guy whose openness and gentleness balances nicely with his mild alpha tendencies. The length of the book necessitates a fast-moving relationship, but there’s some nice development there and I could feel the emotion between them.

“You’re the best part of my life, Delila. From day one, life has been so easy with you. You fell into my lap on that plane, and since that moment, all I could see, all I wanted, was you.”

The mystery/suspense is predictable but is done well, but for me it was all about the love story and I really enjoyed this one. Not a must-read in terms of story progression for either series, but still a great addition.

3.5 stars.


Boudreaux Series

Easy Love    Easy Charm  Easy Melody  Easy Kisses

Easy for Keeps     

Easy Love (#1) (Eli & Kate)
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Easy With You (#1.5) (Asher & Lila)
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Easy Charm (#2) (Gabrielle & Rhys)
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Easy Melody (#3) (Declan & Callie)
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Easy Kisses (#4) (Charly & Simon)
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Easy for Keeps (#4.5) (Adam & Sarah)
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Easy Magic (#5) (Beau & Mallory)
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Easy Fortune (#5.5) (Lena & Mason)
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Easy Nights (#6) (Savannah & Ben)
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