Review: Consolation (The Consolation Duet, #1 and Salvation, #3) by Corinne Michaels

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Loved it. Loved it. LOVED IT! An absolutely beautiful, highly emotional love story.

5 stars.

Natalie is a young woman whose life is shattered when she learns that her ex-SEAL husband has been killed while working a security mission overseas. Heavily pregnant with their first child, she suffers not only the loss of her childhood sweetheart and best friend, but also the knowledge that her daughter will grow up without a father. And OMG, the feels! I was sucked straight into the story as Natalie’s heartache and despair is played out in agonising detail. My heart ached for her and all that she was going through and I was in tears within the first couple of chapters.

Months later, and Natalie is functioning only for the sake of her daughter, she has a supportive group of friends, but feels very much alone and is not coping with her loss. And then her husband’s best friend, Liam, comes to town. Liam is a genuinely good guy, a SEAL like her husband, he is preparing for deployment but he wants to be there for Natalie and her baby in any way that he can be. And as he steps in to help her deal with her loss and the practicalities of life, he inadvertently helps her start to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart.

Natalie and Liam have been friends for years but the more time they spend together, their friendship starts to shift into something more. They both struggle with what they are feeling, not sure if it’s right, but unable to stop it.

Liam steps forward and pulls me against him. “I wanted to not want to want you, but I do. I don’t know how or when, but I have these feelings for you. I don’t know if we should do this. I don’t know that either of us is ready for this,” Liam says quietly as we hold each other.

I love these characters, and I was absolutely mesmerised by their unfolding love story. It’s a slow burn and it develops so naturally, it’s absolutely beautiful. They are up front and honest with each other about how they are feeling – sharing their grief, their doubt, and their confusion and wonder over their deepening attraction, and it’s all so functional! And slowly, and oh-so-easily, they fall and fall hard for each other.

“You’re supposed to be untouchable, and yet here you are in my arms. I don’t know if I’m lucky or a fucking idiot. I just know that when we’re together, it feels right. It feels like we’re supposed to be.”

And even though the situation is difficult, they are so playful together! They joke around, and laugh, and they genuinely have fun, and it was beautiful to read.

“You’re not horrible. I don’t think what we’re doing is horrible. Neither of us thought we’d be here. I think with my good looks and charm you were doomed.” Liam winks.

“You’re going to make me fall in love with you, aren’t you?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s a done deal.”

Liam is Made. Of. Awesome! OMG, the man is perfection! As a SEAL, he’s clearly a badass but he is also sweet, loyal, caring and deeply protective. He’s so gentle and patient with Natalie, but he gives her a push when she needs it, and he is there for her and supporting her every step of the way. And don’t get me started on the baby! There is something about seeing a big, strong soldier turn to goo over a baby, it gave me flutters. But he also has a deliciously wicked side, and the chapters where we get his POV are fantastic! And did I mention, he is sexy as all hell (the guy on the cover provides a very nice visual aid!)

“I want to go slow. I want to savor every moment with you. I want to touch you, taste you, feel you, and then we’ll do it again.”

Oh hell yes! But it’s the way he loves Natalie that makes him so amazing. I love seeing a guy so head-over-heels in love with his girl, and Liam unapologetically adores Natalie. It is beautiful to see.

She looks at me like I’m saving her. I wish she knew how much she is saving me.

Natalie is a wonderful heroine. She goes through hell in this book, and I thought her reactions were absolutely understandable, but her strength through it all absolutely floored me. Sure, she falls apart (and she’s absolutely entitled to) but she pulls herself back together over and over again, and carries on, and I loved watching her journey. She loves her husband, and she lives her life for her daughter, but she also recognises the significance of Liam coming into her life, and despite everything she’s brave enough to grab hold of him with both hands. I really admire her as a character.

This is my first book by Corinne Michaels, and I am very impressed. She paints an emotional but very realistic picture of a couple coming together in very difficult circumstances. And beyond that, the way she delves into Natalie’s life as she comes to terms with her past, was amazing. Not to get too personal, but some of her story really hit home for me, and I read parts of this book with my stomach in knots at the authenticity of the emotion of it all. I thought it was fantastically written.

This book is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, and the intensity of the story builds from start to finish. It all leads to an ending that I saw coming, but that still left my heart pounding. I am so, so glad that I waited until both books were released before I started this one. I’m diving straight in and can’t wait to see how it’s all going to play out.

5 stars.


The Consolation Duet 

Consolation  Conviction

Consolation (Consolation Duet, #1) (Salvation, #3)
Buy: Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Conviction  (Consolation Duet, #2) (Salvation, #4)
Buy: Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Continuation: A Consolation Duet Special Edition
(Bonus scenes)
Buy:  Paperback only




This duet forms part of the Salvation series. 
Check out our Series Info page to see how the books all fit together.



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