Review: Here To Stay (The Fish Tales, #3) by Suanne Laqueur

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4.5 stars!

Oh my heart! I laughed, I cried, I swooned and I loved so freaking hard! I felt everything and couldn’t get enough of it!

“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”

After completely falling in love with this series, I was so ready for this book. [book:The Man I Love|39092829] gave us a tragically beautiful and highly emotional love story from the POV of hero, Erik. [book:Give Me Your Answer True|39092877] gave us that same story, and a whole lot more, from tormented heroine, Daisy. This book picks up the story from where both of those books left off, giving us a heartachingly beautiful second-chance-romance as Erik and Daisy finally find the life together they always wanted.

“You broke and left, but then you came back. Because you were meant to be mine.”

Told entirely from Erik’s POV, I loved that we got to see this part of their story in such beautiful detail. He and Daisy are soulmates who are meant to be together, they’ve both been to hell and back, and now they’ve found each other again. It’s beautiful, sweet and touching, but there is also so much pain there. The trauma that tore them apart, the years of their separation, and the guilt of all of the hurt they caused each other still plagues them both, and they have a lot to work through. But they want each other, they want a future together, and they are determined to fight through it all to get their happy ending.

“You’re still the one I can tell anything. You’re still the one, when my sentences run out of words, you finish them by looking at me. But at the same time you’re surprising me. I still get to discover you. I love who you’ve become. And I love that who I’ve become still works with you.”

The book follows Erik and Daisy years into their life together, and I loved it. After all they’ve been through I loved getting so much detail of their happy ending. But it’s not all roses and sunshine. The ghosts of their past haven’t fully gone away, and there is more heartache that they have to endure. I cried and wailed, honestly not wanting to see them go through even more pain, but it’s a part of their journey, and I loved watching them stand by each other, having each others’ backs completely as they live each moment of their lives together.

“Whatever you have, you give it to me. Whatever you put in my way, I will move it. I’m not afraid of anything you show me. I’ll never leave you.”

And more than just Erik and Daisy’s reconciliation, this is also about Erik and Will. As a best friend to both of them, Will was also hurt by Erik’s desertion, and watching the two men come back together and fall back into their easy friendship was beautiful. The love between the two men was beautifully explored, and I loved seeing their banter and camaraderie as they found each other again and recaptured the magic that is them together. And I loved Will and Lucky were such a huge a part of Erik and Daisy’s story. The two couples truly became family, and seeing how intertwined they are with each other’s life was just gorgeous.

There is also a lot of the story focusing on Erik’s past, and on him discovering his family roots. It’s an important part of his journey, I was happy for him to find all of that, but I didn’t need to see it all in so much detail, and I found myself zoning out a bit as he explored his family tree, which is why I didn’t 5-star this one.

For me, this book was all about Erik and Daisy, and I loved it. It was an emotional and celebratory story of their love and all that they felt for each other, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved the detail, the feels, the ups and the downs, and the pure beauty and perfection that is these two together.

“Love can bring out the best and worst in us. We’ve all been a jackass for love. But love makes us do amazing things. And if love drives us away, love is what brings us back. Love makes up pick up the phone. Love makes us listen. Love makes us say I’m sorry. Love makes us forgive. Love makes us better. Love makes us our best.”

4.5 stars


The Fish Tales


The Man I Love (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback Audio

Give Me Your Answer True (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback Audio

Here To Stay (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback Audio

The Ones That Got Away (#4)
Cut chapters and bonus scenes
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback  Audio


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