Review: Tied (All Torn Up, #2) by Carian Cole

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4 stars

Two incredibly damaged people find peace, healing, and something absolutely amazing together in this heartfelt, dramatic and beautifully romantic story.

Tyler Grace was introduced in the first book of this series (though this one can easily standalone). He is a quiet and tormented loner who lives in the woods and shuns pretty much all contact with the outside world – except for the occasional meet-ups with his brothers. He was left brutally scarred by fire as a teenager, and then his self-destructive behaviour led to even more scarring years later, leaving him a shell of the person he used to be, broken inside and out with a damaged throat, little to no voice and a massive chip on his shoulder.

While walking through his woods, he hears a strange noise and ends up finding a girl and her dog trapped in a well. He rescues them both, figuring out that she has been held captive, and when her captor attacks them, Tyler ends up killing him in defence, saving the girl’s life.

It turns out that the girl is Holly Daniels, who was kidnapped as a 5 year old and who has been kept by a sadistic madman for 11 years. Holly’s knowledge of life comes from what she has seen on television, and what she has endured at the hands of her captor. Following her rescue she immediately goes into care to help her deal with all that she’s been through, and to help her reintegrate into real life. It’s two years before she ventures back into the woods where she was found, and where she comes across the man she believes is her prince, the one who rescued her years ago, and the man she has been unable to forget.

All I see when I look at him are eyes the color of a sky I ached to see but was kept hidden from me for ten years.

Ty is wary or Holly when she re-enters his life. For a man who craves solitude, the last thing he wants is somebody intruding into his private space. But there’s something about the beautiful, innocent girl that he can’t ignore.

I wanted to be responsible for igniting a feeling in a soul just as lonely and broken as my own.

I love the set up for this book! It’s fascinating and unique, and the story is very much character-driven as we watch every stage of Ty and Holly’s relationship. Holly wants nothing more than to be with the man she sees as her hero, but Tyler has a lot of walls, and he’s not used to having anybody in his life. It’s a battle for the two of them to find their way in the world, and they are dealing with their own personal issues, but as they get to know each other, grow used to and open up to each other, they find somebody they can lean on and rely on, and slowly and naturally, begin to fall for each other.

I can almost believe this girl could love me, scars, damage, ugliness and all. And oh, how ferociously I would love her back if given the chance.

It’s so, so beautiful! There’s a real sense of innocence about these two, mostly coming from Holly as she’s learning about everything that she’s missed, but Ty’s damage has left him emotionally crippled as well, and seeing them come together, healing each other as they find something so life-changing and all-consuming, was gorgeous.

I have no idea what love is supposed to be like, but I can’t imagine it can be any better than what we have right here.

She’s everything. My past. My present. My future. My twin flame— the one who shares the path of my soul.

*dreamy sigh*

This was a gorgeous read. Sweet, swoony, emotional and beautifully romantic, I really loved it.

4 stars.


All Torn Up

Previously known as ‘Devil’s Wolves’ series


Torn (#1) (Toren & Kenzi)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback Audio

Tied (#2) (Ty & Holly)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook Paperback Audio



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