ARC Review: Jock Rule (Jock Hard, #2) by Sara Ney


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Kip Carmichael is no pretty boy.

He’ a rough. Dirty. Giant. Hair so unruly, and a beard so thick, his friends on the team call him Sasquatch.

The first time Sasquatch lays eyes on Theodora “Teddy” Johnson across the keg at a party one night on Jock Row, she’d been relegated to the sidelines by her jock hungry “friends”.

Week-after-week, he watches beautiful but bashful Teddy getting overshadowed, and overlooked.  Sasquatch finally broad shoulders his way through the crowd, offering to to be her hairy godmother. But the minute their eyes meet? He’s a goner.

Teaching her the RULES for winning a jock will be the easy part. Not falling in love with her is going to be a losing game.



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5 sasquatch-loving stars!

I love, love, love this book! Sara Ney writes College sports romantic comedy right, and I could not put this book down as I laughed, swooned, and grinned my way through this fantastically entertaining story. And I highlighted like crazy while reading so just a warning that this review is quote-heavy, because I just couldn’t pick a favourite

This is the second book in the Jock Hard series but it is a complete standalone and has no link at all to the first book of the series, Jock Row – except that it takes place at the same College, focussing on the athletes who frequent the party street, ‘Jock Row’.

Theodora ‘Teddy’ Johnson is a junior in college and she has been dragged to a party at the rugby house on Jock Row by her roommate and friends. Quiet, reserved, and a bit of a doormat, she gets ditched on arrival and she ends up hanging by the keg, inadvertently pouring drinks and wondering how the hell she got to be where she is.

Kip ‘Sasquatch’ Carmichael is a member of the rugby team but he doesn’t live in the house with his teammates. He is from a ludicrously wealthy family and he lives in his own house off-campus, living quietly because he doesn’t want anybody to know about his wealth. He has been used in the past for his connections, and the fact that he is tall, heavily muscled and ridiculously handsome draws gold-digging women to him like flies, and he wants no part of any of that. So he is somewhat socially withdrawn, with intentionally overgrown hair and a wild beard hiding his good looks, preferring to quietly observe than to put himself in the limelight.

I’s while he’s quietly hanging around a party that Kip spies Teddy standing awkwardly in the corner. Week after week he watches her get ditched by her friends, until he finally approaches her to get to the bottom of the situation and help the poor, clueless girl out.

It’s the same girl as last weekend—a girl who obviously needs to be taught how to say, Go screw yourselves and stop walking all over me.
That’s a bit of brutal honesty she’ll only get from someone who couldn’t care less about her feelings.
Someone like me.

From their first encounter, you just know that we’re in for something special with these two, and after putting it all out there and sharing some rather blunt conversation, Kip offers to step in and help Teddy increase her confidence, stand up to her friends and talk to guys, setting the stage for much awesomeness to come.

“Do you need a goddamn puppeteer to help you figure out what to do with yourself? Someone to tell you what to say and do?”
“You’re being dramatic. I’m not that bad.”
“Yeah you are. You need a…” I search for the word, Snap my fingers in the silence. “Hairy godmother.”
“A what?”
I’m a fucking genius is what I am. “Hairy godmother. Like a fairy godmother, but a guy.”
Honest to God, I just made that shit up, right now, on the spot.
Clever asshole that I am.

Kip and Teddy together are absolutely magic! Their teasing and banter is flirty, but without being flirty, because the attraction does take a while to develop and initially it’s just a sort-of-friends situation, but they talk openly about pretty much everything, with Kip’s crude straightforwardness contrasting brilliantly with Teddy’s innocence, naivety and charming awkwardness, and every word is just gold.

“Fine. I’m curious, all right? Sue me. You’re this giant of a guy, who must be—”
She stops herself.
“Spit it out, Teddy. Stop hesitating.” It’s driving me nuts!
“Fine! You’re this giant of a guy who must get…
excited a lot. There, happy now?”
“And by excited you mean…”
“Horny, okay?” The words burst out of her. “Thank god it’s dark, my face is on fire.”
Yup. I made her say the word horny, and she sounds horrified, and it’s perfect.
“And you’re not? Horny?”
Uh…when would I have the time? And please stop saying that word—it’s awful. It’s worse than the word moist. Or squirt.”
She hates the word moist?
What’s wrong with the word moist?

Every moment between them is pure entertainment – fun, funny and sweet with a slowly developing attraction that naturally and effortlessly (and delightfully awkwardly) leads to something that is so much more than either of them were expecting.

Her arms snakes around my middle, hugging me, body pressed so tightly against mine it’s as if we were one person. “Your skin is so warm. God you feel good.”
God you feel good?
Those are sex words, those are sex words, my body screams, even though Teddy isn’t being sexual—is she?
Nope. She’s snuggling me, for fuck’s sake.
Unless she’s not?
No, she definitely is.
Or maybe she’s not?
Shit, shit, fuck my life.

The book is written in dual POV, which I loved, because Kip’s narration is absolutely sensational (and his hilarious text conversations with his sister are a definite highlight!). I loved getting to see where both he and Teddy are at, and how their friendship/relationship impacts them so deeply.

Maybe I’m finally sick of being alone all the damn time.
Maybe it’s time to let someone else in, someone I didn’t know I needed until I met Teddy.
Funny how the universe works, isn’t it? Shit drops on you when you’re staring at the sky, wondering what to do with your life, and sometimes it’s just what you fucking need, right when you need it.
Teddy is that something I needed.

I did think that the book ended a bit abruptly, and I would have loved to have seen more, but I think that is more to do with my mad love of Kip and Teddy together rather than the writing. I just wasn’t ready to let go of them, and as soon as I finished the book I immediately wanted to reread it and experience it all over again.

I freaking loved it, and look forward to many rereads in the future.

5 stars!

An Advanced Review Copy of this book was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.


Jock Hard

All books are complete standalone with little to no crossover and can be read in any order.


Switch Hitter (#0.5)
Buy: Amazon US  |  Amazon  UK Amazon AU Amazon CA  |  Audible

Jock Row (#1)
Buy: Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon AU Amazon CA

Jock Rule (#2)
Buy:  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon CA  |  Amazon AU

Switch Bidder (#2.5)
Buy:  Amazon

Jock Road (#3)
Buy:  Amazon

Jock Royal (#4)
Buy:  Amazon US  |  Amazon CA  |  Amazon UK   |  Amazon AU

Jock Reign (#5)
Buy:  Amazon US Amazon CA  |  Amazon UK Amazon AU

Jock Romeo (#6)
Buy:  Amazon



About the Author

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.

She lives with her husband, children, and her ridiculously large dog.

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