ARC Review: Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

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4.5 stars!

Sidequest for Love features Neil and Afric and brings us a fun, fresh, swoony opposites attract romance that will put a smile on your face and fill your heart with love.

Neil meets Afric when he joins his friend, Michaela, for lunch and he is warned that she is “a little unusal” and “not everyone’s cup of tea”. Afric comes off as rude and she and Neil don’t mesh at all. However, when they run into each other again and Afric finds out about a problem Neil is having, she wants to help him.

I could never resist a challenge, and helping Neil win over the girl he’s been lying to would be the perfect real-life sidequest.

Afric and Neil end up spending a lot of time together and they form a wonderful friendship when they least expect it. Then, hearts get involved and everything changes.

“My life has been way too ordered for way too long. It’s about time I let in a little chaos.”

These characters are so fun and cute together. They start bickering from the moment they meet and the banter is fantastic. Afric has a way of getting under Neil’s skin and Neil catches her off guard. However, when they spend time together they realize that they have a lot of fun together. They are opposites in so many ways, but they appreciate the things that make each other different and bring out the best in each other.

I’d never had such a strong reaction to anyone before. This attraction to Neil hadn’t appeared right away. Instead, it had grown and expanded slowly over time into this uncontrollable organism that now lived and breathed inside of me.

It’s sweet when feelings sneak up on them and they slowly realize maybe there is something more than just a friendship between them. There are moments where things start to pull them apart but I love that the drama isn’t over the top or drawn out. These two are meant to be and I felt their love. They are so good together and I love when they finally go all in.

I couldn’t believe I’d considered his friendship merely a sidequest when the whole time he’d been a brand-new adventure.

Overall, Sidequest for Love is such an entertaining read. It has the perfect mix of humor, heart and heat, and I adored the uniqueness of both Neil and Afric and how they are together. I also loved getting more of the Running on Air cast and I would love to visit these characters again. I love the friendships between them all and the support everyone offers.

*ARC generously provided by the author*

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