Review: Maybe Now (Maybe, #2) by Colleen Hoover

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3.5 stars

This book is like an extended epilogue for both Maybe Someday and the spin-off novella, Maybe Not. It continues the story of Ridge and Sydney right at the point where Maybe Someday ends. We also get chapters from Maggie’s POV, as well as a few from her new love interest. And of course, along for the ride are Warren and Bridgette. So we get to see all of the key players from the story as they figure out what comes next for them.

This group has a bit of a twisted dynamic. Maggie briefly dated Warren in high school before moving on to his best friend, Ridge. They then dated for six years until Ridge met Sydney and fell hard for her. There was definitely some emotional cheating there, and even a kiss before Ridge and Maggie’s relationship ended, but really, they had shifted into more of a ‘convenience’ type of relationship rather than mad love, so neither of them were too devastated to let the relationship go (not that I’m condoning cheating, just stating the situation as it happened).

Things get even more complicated because Maggie has significant health issues, and Ridge and Warren are her support – practically and emotionally. And they very quickly realise that even though Ridge and Maggie are no longer together, and he’s with Sydney now, he still needs to be a big part of Maggie’s life, which is awkward for everybody.

There’s some angst and drama, there’s childish behaviour, and there’s a whole lot of cheese, and along the way we get to watch the group come together in a way none of them would have ever expected. But they make it work, and I did enjoy seeing them form such a tight-knight, though unexpected, group.

I really enjoyed Maggie’s part of the story. She’s trying hard to move on, and that includes a new love interest who proves to be pure perfection, and I was so happy that she not only got her happy ending, but that she embraced it so openly given her completely understandable fears and doubts.

“We shouldn’t revolve our lives around their possible endings. We should revolve our lives around the experiences that lead to the endings.”

Warren and Bridgette continue to be complete scene-stealers, and I loved seeing them again, and watching them react to all of the drama going on around them. They have such a weird relationship that is so freaking entertaining, and both of them made me laugh so many times.

Ridge and Sydney are sweet, but were probably my least favourite part of this book. It felt a bit overdramatic and OTT with the love-fest (and this coming from a romance junkie). But still, I loved seeing them happy and together.

“Sydney,” he says quietly. “Everything we’ve gone through to get here. Right here. It was all worth it.”

It’s a bit of a rollercoaster, with angst and drama, sexy times and romance, and scenes that had me laughing out loud. The ending is a bit saccharine sweet and unrealistically cheesy for me, but I did appreciate that everybody got their happy ending.

“Our maybe someday just became our absolutely forever.”

So I wouldn’t say this is a must-read for fans of the original book, but it’s an interesting expansion of the next 12-ish months in these characters’ lives for those who are interested.

3.5 stars.



Maybe Someday - 80  Maybe Not - 80  

Maybe Someday (#1)
Buy: Amazon  |  Paperback  |  Audio

Maybe Not (#1.5)
Buy: Amazon  |  Paperback  |  Audio

Maybe Now
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback Audio


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