Review: The Redhead Revealed (Redhead, #2) by Alice Clayton

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Another fun read from the talented Ms Clayton. Lots of humour, lots of love (and lovin’), but also a bit of drama in this one.

I easily fell straight back into the loved-up, crazy world of Grace and Jack, now living on opposite sides of the country in pursuit of their careers, but still madly in love with each other. Like the first book, there’s lots of sex – (phone sex, car sex, bed sex, shower sex… you get the gist), and in the early stages of the book I was actually wondering whether there was going to be any storyline other than these two conducting a fairly successful long distance relationship (reunion #1 is incredibly squee-worthy) and getting naked at every available opportunity.

Enter Grace with her drama. She was stupid, and did something even stupider (I’m being deliberately vague here for those who haven’t read the book yet and don’t want spoilers). I was expecting the remainder of the book to be all about the resolution of the problem, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t dragged out, instead it was resolved fairly quickly without the book descending into an angst-filled stupid-fest with neither member of the relationship talking to the other.

And strangely enough in a book full of romance and laugh-out-loud moments, the stand out part for me was Jack confronting Grace after her stupidness. I was trying to pick my favourite quote from his big speech, but couldn’t choose, so pretty much copied the whole lot in because it’s absolutely epic!


“Dammit, Grace. I don’t want to hear it! If I have to listen to you say again that we aren’t right for each other, I’ll seriously lose my shit. Do you have any idea what it was like to hear that from you? Now, you’ll sit there, and listen to what I have to say.”

“What you did that night…was thoughtless…and so cruel. And I don’t mean choosing the worst possible night for your little flip-out, I mean ending this relationship without even discussing it with me. What we’ve gone through, what we’ve shared – Jesus, Grace, if that meant so little to you that you couldn’t even try to explain your feelings to me, well, that makes me question everything I thought you felt for me. Maybe you never really loved me.”
He choked out that last bit, and with that I was out of the chair and in front of him.
“No! That’s not true, I-” I started, and he looked at me fiercely.
“Grace, seriously. I really need you to shut up right now and let me get this out,” he warned.
I fell silent again, returned to my chair, and nodded for him to continue.
“But then I realised that was too easy. That was bullshit. Because I know you, Grace, and I know that you loved me. I know you still love me. Whatever it is you think is too much to get around, or push through, or work past, I know it isn’t – because you love me. And, fuck me, but I love you too.”

He looked me square in the eye, his green eyes blazing.
“So if you think for a second I’m going to let you end this without giving me a legitimate reason, you are truly crazier than I thought. I’m in this thing with you, a willing participant, and you can’t decide for both of us. Not anymore.”

Alright! Go Jack! Whew… that is an epic smackdown right there.

And what’s even better is that Grace accepted responsibility for what she had done, and explained really well the reasoning behind her freak out.

After all was resolved, things got a little healthier between them, with Grace being more open and honest, dealing with some of her issues, and the two of them entering a more mature stage of their relationship – yet retaining all of the humour and stupidness which makes them such a crazy, fun couple.

I love this relationship, the fun that they have together, the laughs and the banter. But also the comfort that they bring to each other in their crazy worlds, and the way that they balance each other out. Jack really shone as the mature member of the relationship in this one, but Grace was there as his rock when he needed her.

I’m very much looking forward to the next book to see what Grace and Jack get up to next – and to see what’s going on with Holly and Lane! I really loved that little development!

Man… I gotta find myself a Jack Hamilton of my very own!


The Redhead series

The Unidentified Redhead  The Redhead Revealed  The Redhead Play her hand

The Unidentified Redhead (#1) 
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Redhead Revealed (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Redhead Plays Her Hand (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


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