Review: The Offer by Karina Halle

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4 “Bram-a-lama-ding-dong” stars!

“I know you’ve been burned. But I’ve been burned too. Maybe our ashes can make something beautiful together.”

Karina Halle’s The Offer is a contemporary romance that has everything you can ask for in a book – well written characters, scenes that will leave you hot and bothered, sweet moments that will make you swoon, a fair bit of angst, and of course, interactions that are funny enough you make you laugh out loud and leave a smile on your face.

The Offer is the story of Nicola and Bram, both of whom we met in The Pact (Steph and Linden’s story). Nicola, Steph’s best friend, has a five year old daughter, Ava, and is trying to make ends meet when she finds herself in a difficult situation. Trying to be the best mother she can be, Nicola realizes that no matter how much she doesn’t want to ask for help, she can’t do it all on her own.

Bram, Linden’s brother, has been pegged a “bloody manwhore” and he has found it hard to break out of the mold people have put him in. Nicola and Bram’s relationship started off on the wrong foot at Steph and Linden’s wedding six months ago. However, when Bram makes her an offer she can not pass up, a friendship forms when she starts to see Bram in a new light. A mutual attraction is there and the sexual tension is sizzling, yet they refuse to do anything about it.

Everything Bram says to her gets under her skin. He is constantly trying to rile her up with his comments and their banter is fantastic.

“You know what your real problem is, sweetheart?”
“What?” I ask, wanting to know and scared of the answer.
“You’re totally underfucked,” he says, his voice dropping a register. He leans in closer. “And I’m the one who can tip the scales in the other direction.”

There is no insta-love as Nicola and Bram slowly fall for each other, and when they finally take the next step it is explosive. Just as they start to find their groove a secret comes out that threatens to crush everything between them. Bram made decisions in the past that he is not proud of and now has to deal with the fallout when those decisions come to light. Unfortunately, everything blows up after they have given their hearts to each other.

He was so, so wrong about hearts and buildings being different. They are the same. They are structures that keep us safe, that shield us from the elements. And the minute they start to falter, everything else is at risk.

I really liked Nicole and Bram together and I think they both grew throughout the story. I loved how Bram saw the “wild child” hiding inside Nicola and tried his best to bring it out, and OMG he did! I also loved that Nicola was able to see past his reputation and discover the real Bram. His kindness and support was unwavering and he was so wonderful to Nicola and Ava.

The secondary characters in The Offer were fantastic as well. I loved seeing the gang from The Pact again, and Ava was a sweet addition to the story. Her “Bram-a-lama-ding-dong” song had me cracking up because it is exactly like something a five year old would come up with.

I have really enjoyed the first two books in this series and can’t wait to read The Play!


Recommended reading order

The Pact  The Offer  The Play  Winter Wishes  The Lie

The Pact 
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Offer 
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The Play 
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Winter Wishes – Novella
Buy:  Kindle Ebook   |   Paperback

The Lie 
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


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