Release & ARC Review: Broken Desires (Silverbrook University, #3) by R.G. Angel


Broken Desires by R.G. Angel is live

The third and final book in the Silverbrook University series, this a beautifully emotional, opposites attract romance with a surprising twist, and I really enjoyed this one.





An unlikely romance between two contrasting souls sparks against all odds.

I am the embodiment of chaos—a free spirit recently liberated from the weight of an overbearing family. Spontaneity is my mantra; I revel in the unpredictable whirlwind of life. Then there’s Liam—Mr. Order himself. His life is meticulously planned and ruled by discipline, making him the epitome of structure and control. Yet beneath his composed exterior lies Silverbrook’s most enigmatic figure, a man whose actions defy the very rules he lives by. In his most daring act, he captures the one thing I never expected to surrender—my heart.

I have spent my years in Silverbrook avoiding any entanglements, never allowed to lose focus, always waiting for the moment when my freedom will be swept away along with my dreams of normalcy. I live by rules, order, and structures—things that prevent me from growing attached. That was until I met Vanessa, the goth princess who cursed me with just one look. In a world of rules, she became the ultimate rebel by stealing the one thing never meant to be hers—my heart.

Join Vanessa and Liam for one last adventure in the final installment of the Silverbrook University series. Dive into a tale of passionate love and complex dilemmas, where the lines between right and wrong blur, and hearts risk everything in the name of love. It’s a story of stolen moments, unexpected journeys, and the thrilling dance between chaos and order. Don’t miss the epic conclusion where every heart finds its destiny.



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3.5 stars

The third and final book in the Silverbrook University series, this a beautifully emotional, opposites attract romance with a surprising twist, and I really enjoyed this one.

Each book in this series follows the same timeline. We follow three girls starting their sophomore year of college as new roommates, each having endured heartbreaking difficulties, each of them finding their way and finding love with a trio of soccer-playing friends. We have seen Liam and Nessa’s romance hinted at in previous books as they watched their friends come together, and I loved finally getting to the heart of their story.

Nessa is fierce and independent, a girl who wears her goth clothes like armor to keep people from getting too close. She lost her hearing as a teenager and with it, the dreams she had for her future. She’s trying to break free from her uncaring, controlling family and figure herself out, and she’s found true family for the first time with her two roommates and their close circle.

Liam is a good guy. Smart, sensible and structured, captain of the soccer team and about to graduate. We know that there’s something more going on with him, and I had my suspicions, but the weight of expectation upon him is fully revealed in this book, and it’s intense (more about that later). For now, he’s wanting to enjoy his freedom and experience all that he can. But he needs to stay clear of romantic entanglements.

The connection between Liam and Nessa is there from the beginning. Liam knows he can’t get involved, but he also can’t resist the draw of Nessa. There is flirting and banter, and as the two get to know each other, they know they can’t ignore their growing attraction. So they agree to be friends with benefits, a situation which suits both of them perfectly.

They have mad passion for each other, and their sexy time is intense, but more than that, they start to form a connection. They talk, they share about their lives, and for the first time in a long time, they find somebody that they can be real with. Somebody who is safe, and who gets them like nobody else. And though they both try to avoid it, they fall hard for each other, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

The romance develops beautifully. It’s easy, natural and it feels so real, and it’s so sweet to watch. Liam is an absolute sweetheart, and the way that he is there for Nessa – so protective, kind and thoughtful, stole my heart! But the weight of responsibility he carries is unavoidable and life-changing, and when he is forced to give up the freedoms he cherishes, they will be forced to figure out if their feelings for each other are strong enough to withstand the fallout.

If you want to know the crux of the story… Liam is actually European royalty in hiding, and a huge chunk of this story is him being called back home to fulfill his royal duties. It’s very well done.

The couples from earlier books feature heavily, and I enjoyed seeing them all again as they banter and tease, and support each other through their ups and downs. This one could be easily read a standalone though.

I really enjoyed this book. Nessa and Liam both have some big life changes to navigate, and I loved watching them do that, having each other’s backs and figuring out their lives both individually and together. There is some drama, but the angst is minimal, and the romance is sexy and super swoony, and I loved seeing these two get their happy ending.

3.5 stars.

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author for an honest review.


Silverbrook University


Broken Rivalry (#1) (Ethan & Poppy)
Buy:  Amazon

Broken Hearts (#2) (Cole & Eva)
Buy:  Amazon

Broken Desires (#3) (Liam & Nessa)
Buy:  Amazon


Meet R.G. Angel

R.G Angel is a trained lawyer, world traveler, coffee addict, cheese aficionado, avid book reviewer and blogger.

She considers herself as an ‘Eclectic romantic’ and wants to write romance in every sub-genre she can think of.

When she is not busy doing all her lawyerly mayhem, and because she is living in rainy Britain, she mostly enjoys indoor activities such as reading, watching TV, playing with her crazy puppies and writing stories she hopes will make you dream.

Connect with R.G. Angel:

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