Cover Reveal: Undeniably Forbidden (Boston’s Irresistible Billionaires, #2) by J. Saman

J. Saman has revealed the gorgeous cover for Undeniably Forbidden!


Releasing July 22, 2024

Pre-order on Amazon



Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

Photographer: Michelle Lancaster

Model: Sean



In my defense, I had no clue the gorgeous guy I had a wildly steamy night with was my brother’s best friend. Or the single dad of the little girl I was about to nanny.

I hadn’t seen Dr. Owen Fritz since I was twelve and he was twenty-four, but even back then, I didn’t care much about him.

He was doing his billionaire, master-of-the-universe, medical school thing, and I was too into art and books to notice anyone.

Now he’s cold and broody, but he doesn’t scare me the way he does everyone else.

He’s been scarred, but I’ve been scarred worse.

We both promise to leave that night in the past, vowing to keep this secret between us and stay professional from now on.

Especially since I’m living with him—sleeping down the hall from him—and his adorable little girl.

Until one night of hell changes everything and all those promises we’ve been struggling to keep don’t just break, they shatter.

Now there’s no holding him back.

And the more he watches me with those magnetic eyes or whisks me into dark corners and puts his heated hands on my body, the more I forget why what we’re doing is so undeniably forbidden.

We’re playing with an unstoppable fire.

And we’re both about to get burned.


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Boston’s Irresistible Billionaires


Undeniably Convenient (#1) (Bennett & Katy)
Buy:  Amazon

Undeniably Forbidden (#2) (Owen)
To be released 22 July
Pre-order:  Amazon


About the Author

J. Saman is a USA Today and Amazon top 40 bestselling author who writes sassy, swoony, and scorching contemporary romances. She is addicted to Diet Coke, sour candy, and indie rock. She swears way too much (especially after a glass of wine) and has a penchant for sarcasm (or so her husband and children like to tell her).

J. is an admitted lover of second chance romances, enemies to lovers, and the perfect amount of angst. She is best known for writing funny and emotional romances filled with smart, strong women, and sexy alphas who have a softer side—especially for their women.


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