Review: The Moment You Know (The Moments Duet, #1) by D.E. Daniel

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5 stars and all the feels!

Oh wow, this book just rocked my world. An emotional, thoughtful and captivating read, I read it in a day, unable to put it down. An almost-second-chance romance and book #1 of a duet, this is an amazing read, and a fave for 2024.

Paige and David met in college, fell in love and married. They lived a happy life together… until they didn’t. Their divorce gutted them both, but it’s been five years and they’ve both moved on. Until a chance encounter brings them back into each other’s lives and raises unanswered questions which will change everything they thought they knew.

OMG, I love these two so much! Their love for each other just shines off the page, and the story switches between the present and moments from their pasts as we learn about their history and see them deal with the repercussions of coming back into each other’s lives in the present.

The story deals with some dark subject matter childhood sexual abuse, some of which is on the page via flashback, as well as the emotional fallout of such a brutal topic. My heart broke over and over for Paige, her past trauma, its impact on her life and her and David’s marriage. But I also marvelled at her bravery and strength in dealing with it and fighting so hard to move past it. She is amazing! And David is absolutely beautiful as a man trying to understand what happened to his life, suddenly being there for the woman that he lost but still cares so deeply for, all while sorting out his own personal drama.

And even with all of the heavy, there are moments of fun and lightness, banter that had me laughing out loud, heart-clenching sweetness, and some beautiful swoon. This book had me feeling all of the emotions, and I loved it!

“I’ve regretted a lot of things in my life, but being your husband isn’t one of them. Our time together was the best part of my life.”

What struck me most about these characters is that they are so real! Their actions, their thoughts, their conversations and the way they handle everything that happens in the book is realistic and relatable, and it made me feel so much for them! Their respective best friends, Jules and Evan, are just as amazing and contribute so much to every scene they are in. This is a true character-driven story where every interaction had me captivated.

I confess, when I started, I wasn’t sure how this story was going to stretch over two books, but it’s written in such beautiful detail, and the pacing felt perfect. Rather than telling us what happens, Daniels shows us what happens, and we see every moment of snappy dialogue, every reaction, feel every moment along with them, and it pulled me right into the story. There wasn’t any time where I felt that it dragged or could have been cut down, I just dove in and got completely swept up.

The only issue I had with the book was the switching of POV, which takes place from paragraph to paragraph with no warning. It’s sometimes a little distracting, and there were times that I had to go back and reread a paragraph or two to figure out who was narrating. But it didn’t impact my love of the story.

This book is only part of Paige and David’s story, it sets up the next book beautifully, with David and Paige now back in each other’s lives, and David determined to win back the woman he loves, and let me tell you, I am SO here for it! I’m diving straight in!

5 huge stars!

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author for an honest review.


The Moments Duet


The Moment You Know (#1)
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The Moment We Know (#2)
To be released 9 July
Pre-order:  Amazon


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