Release & ARC Review: Buried Dreams (Dream Series, #3) by Natasha Madison


Buried Dreams by Natasha Madison is live!

An emotional and angsty second-chance romance that had me all up in my feels, this is such a gorgeous read!





Montgavin Township will never be the same when one night changes the lives of six people.
The course of their lives and the trajectory of the town sets them on a collision course for disaster.

One night changed my whole life.
After the truth about that night came out, I knew I had to leave.
Taking my broken heart with me.
I had no choice but to go back.
I knew it would slice me back open again.
But sometimes the root of the flower you planted starts to grow again, no matter how many times you’ve cut them down.
He was my everything, and then he was my nothing.

My parents taught me honor and integrity.
And in one split second, I ruined it all. 
I lost everything I ever wanted.
But I had no choice.
I tried to go on with my life.
And the only good thing I had was my daughter.
Never expected to see the one woman who I’d loved and lost here again.
They say time heals old wounds.
They were wrong.
It just splits you open, making you bleed out.
I just have to survive again.


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5 stars!

It’s been so long since I sat down and read a book in one day, but that’s exactly what I did with this one. I’ve been busting to get my hands on it, and once I started, I could not put it down. An emotional and angsty second-chance romance that had me all up in my feels, this is such a great read!

This is the third book in the Dreams series. The books are interconnected, but you could read this as a standalone. It’s set in a small town where, years ago, the lives of six people were changed forever following a tragic car accident. Brock and Everleigh were high school sweethearts who were living the dream – happy, together, and very much in love. They were both in the car when it crashed, and the fallout brutally tore them apart. It’s now nine years later and Everleigh returns to her home town for the first time since she ran away all those years ago, and when she and Brock come face to face, they are forced to confront their past once and for all.

OMG, I love a second-chance-romance, and I’ve been excited for this one since the very first book in the series. We’ve seen Brock, who runs the local mechanic garage and is a grumpy, closed-off single Dad who keeps to himself. I do love me a broody hero, and I knew the emotion in this book would be good, and I was so right! OMG, the feels! When Brody and Everleigh run into each other again, the intensity is wild. There’s so much anger between them, and they lash out wildly at each other.

“I hate that I loved you for as long as I did.” The pain of her words makes my head feel like it’s exploded. “I hate I loved you at all.”

There is SO much emotion between these two. Every encounter that they have is just sizzling with chemistry and intensity. They’re angry and they’re still so hurt, but there’s a wild passion there that is undeniable. They’ve never moved on from each other, and all of their pain conceals just how much they still love each other, and I was revelling in every little moment of their grief and hate-filled fighting, knowing that it’s building to something epic. And when the moment comes, gah! It was everything I wanted it to be!

“It’s never been anyone but you. It will never be anyone but you.”

That’s exactly the line that all second-chance-romance junkies, such as myself, love to read! And with that realisation, and the baring of souls, there’s a shift between these two and we get to watch them slowly rebuild as they learn to trust and open up to each other again, and all of those long-buried feelings come out.

“I’ve never, ever loved anyone the way I love you. Not ever. Not before, not now, and I now know I never will.”

Oh the swoon! I love how open Brock and Everleigh are with each other, and the romance is just beautiful. It’s also sexy as all hell. Seriously, these two are open about ALL things, they hold nothing back from each other and their passion for each other is wild and hot and so damn intense! Just… *fans face*… wow.

We get to see glimpses of their past, and there’s a bit of build up as we slowly uncover what happened between them to destroy such a solid couple. My heart ached for both of them, truly victims of circumstance, both regretful of how they handled things, but finally ready to move forward.

There is a little bit of external drama – Brody is now a single Dad to an adorable eight year old girl, and there are some tricky dynamics that come from that, and the evil Cartwright family is still trying to flex their power. And as a bonus, there’s a minor side story for Everleigh’s mother, which is so much fun. It adds a little something extra to the story, and I loved it so much. But it’s all background to Brock and Everleigh finding their way back to each other, and I loved watching them finally get their HEA.

This is such a gorgeous read, I loved it. 5 stars.

An Advanced Reader Copy was generously provided by the author for an honest review.


Dream Series

     Cover Coming Soon - 80  Cover Coming Soon - 80

Shattered Dreams (#1) (Charlie & Autumn)
Review – 2 stars
Buy:  Amazon

Forbidden Dreams (#2) (Brady & Harmony)
Review – 3.5 stars
Buy:  Amazon

Buried Dreams (#3) (Brock & Everleigh)
Review – 5 stars
Buy:  Amazon

Stolen Dreams (#4) (Emmett)
To be released 9 May 2025
Pre-order:  Amazon

Forgotten Dreams (#5)
To be released 18 July 2025
Pre-order:  Amazon


About the Author

When her nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…

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