Review: Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4) by Ilona Andrews

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It’s all happening!!! 5 huge stars.

Book 4 in the Kate Daniels series and this is the big game changer! Kate’s life is turned completely upside down throughout the course of this book, and it’s an absolute roller coaster of action, excitement and finally, some romance (I’ll get to that in a moment).

Kate is investigating the plague-bringer – an evil being of immense power that is wreaking havoc with the intention of taking over the city. But this one comes with a twist as things start to hit a little close to home for Kate, and the bad guy sets their sites directly on her. And with her big secret getting closer to being revealed, the fallout from this battle puts her in grave danger no matter which way it turns out. It’s intense and exciting, and full of the magic, action, violence and gore that I have come to expect from this series, and I loved it!

But as epic as all of that is, it unfortunately pales in significance to the culmination of four books full of UST. Because OMG, IT FINALLY HAPPENS!!! Kate and Curran FINALLY get it on! Woot! For a series that is very strongly urban fantasy with the romance as a side line, Ilona Andrews has done a sensational job setting up this relationship and building the tension. I was bouncing up and down in my seat waiting for it. And OMG, I thought it was perfect! I think I actually squeed out loud when the big moment came.

Kate is at her sarcastic best, and Curran is being a stubborn ass. The antagonistic relationship is in full swing, and it is pure gold! Their snark, pranks and constant arguing are hilarious!

Their hook up isn’t overly romantic or swoony, or even particularly steamy, but it was perfect for them, and I love that Ilona Andrews strayed true to their characters and didn’t let it dissolve into a swoon-fest, because that’s just not them. The focus is very much on them admitting to their feelings, and the practicalities of what their coming together actually means. I love the way it all happened!

“Look, you don’t get to run my life. We slept together once-”
He held up seven fingers.
“Fine,” I squeezed through my teeth. “We had sex seven times in a twenty-four–hour period. Just because I’m your lover-”
Words died in my mouth. In shapeshifter terms, mate meant monogamy, family, children – a union, civil, physical, and spiritual. It meant marriage. Apparently he hadn’t given up on that idea.
“Mate,” I said finally, tasting the word.
He winked at me. Dear God.
I gave him a hard stare. “You’re a control freak and I fight all authority. And you want us to mate?”
A wicked spark lit his eyes. “Many, many times.”

It’s definitely not an easy relationship, and they have a lot to overcome in order to take that final step, but neither of them are prepared to let go, and I loved seeing two such badasses let their vulnerabilities show.

“Being without you makes me unhappy. I don’t have enough willpower to walk away. I’ve tried.”

“People think I built the Pack, because I’m the guy who has the welfare of all shapeshifters in mind. They’re wrong. Everything I built, I did so that when I mate and have children, nobody can touch my family… I built all this so I can protect you.

Underneath their wild attraction they genuinely love each other but with all that is going on in their world, and their positions in it, there is incredible pressure on their relationship. But I love the way they work through it all, and when they finally start to open up to each other and overcome their fears and uncertainties, and you see them both letting go and giving into what they feel, you can see just how amazing they are going to be together.

Curran’s arms closed about me. He pulled me against him, pressing my back against his chest. I heard him inhale my scent. His lips grazed my temple. Here we were, alone, in my kitchen, holding each other…
“What’s up?” I asked softly.
“Just making sure you know you’re caught.”
He kissed my neck and I leaned against him. 

It’s a rollercoaster, and it’s angsty and heartbreaking at times, but I loved every moment of it! Everything else going on around them plays a big part in the unfolding events, and despite Curran being the Beast Lord, there is a great sense of equality between them. I love that they allow each other to do what they are driven to do, they accept each other as they are (attitude and all), and they just roll with it. And despite the new connection between them, that delicious teasing and banter between them is still very much present.

“I almost had her.”
Curran nodded. “I heard. And you could’ve taken her, too.”
My voice came out flat. “Rub it in, why don’t you.”
He grinned. “No time for that now. Maybe later.”
I closed my eyes. There wouldn’t be any later.
“Are you imagining me rubbing it in?” he asked.
“I’m counting to ten in my head.”
“Is it helping?”

My love for this series continues to grow, and I’m really excited about the new direction that it’s taking. Secondary storylines continue to develop for some of the other characters, and with the threat to Kate continuing to build, there is much excitement to come. I can’t wait to continue on.

5 huge stars.


Check out our Kate Daniels series page for more information including reading order, reviews and buy links.


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